mixed messages…

The official Olympics 2012 logo is as disappointing as the choice of official sponsors. The disjointed looking piece of Flash breaks a number of accessibility guidelines and resembles something falling apart rather than being in any way memorable, reproducible or having an association with health and fitness.  Which leads onto the sponsors who include Cadburys (should that now be Kraft?) Coca Cola and Macdonalds. High-sugar, high-fat, processed food and drink; the antithesis of what our government is currently advocating as ‘healthy’ eating. The modern Olympics aim to promote the ‘practice of sport and the joy found in effort. In 21st century-speak this could translate as the promotion of healthy lifestyles. Quite where the McDonalds fast food ethos fits into this is not overtly clear. Even more bizarrely is the official Olympic rule of allowing no advertising when the organisers can appoint official sponsors, to generate income to help with the ‘costs of running an Olympic Games and promoting the Olympic message’ (ibid) In 2012 the message seems to be ‘additives and junk food are ok’. How this blatant promotion differs from advertising of products is unclear. Another recent expose of the ‘food’ industry is Ingreedients  which follows in the footsteps of Fast Food Nation SuperSize Me  and Food Inc. The advertising for Ingreedients says ‘This DVD contains the information to live a healthy life but the choice is yours!’ a message the Olympics 2012 should be taking the opportunity to promote rather than associating with the multinational junk food companies who have a vested interest in profits rather than children’s health.

3 Replies to “mixed messages…”

  1. For me, one of the tragedies of the 2012 Olympics was the large-scale closure of allotments and destruction of the Hackney marshes. These undersung plots offered community and sustainable living, while the marshes was an oasis in one of the most overcrowded boroughs of London.

  2. As an allotment holder myself I totally agree with you, Daren. Allotmenting seems to be one of those rare instances in life where you get back more than you put in. The decision to bulldoze all those years of commitment and hard work was appalling. It would have been far better to maintain the area and use it to actively promote a healthy lifestyle; much more in keeping with sport and individual motivation to succeed than any message CocaCola and McDonalds can put across.

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